Here is a list as of Wednesday morning, June 16th of those we have signed up ...
Updated June 22
1. Paige Durlin
2. Shane Pepple
3. Matt Sandin
4. Danielle Cogan
5. Caroline Wetzel
6. Brandon Schow
7. Ally Carpenter
8. Stevie Pipes
9. Ryan Flores
10. Spencer Flores
11. Brandon Heinz
12. Taryn Heinz
13. Austin Ducommun
14. Brian McGrath
15. Sonya Dunston
16. Zack Weingartner
17. Emily Dunston
18. Mia Kenzy
19. Bianca Vigil
20. Ben Cave
21. Ashley Dunston
22. Mack Campbell
23. Daniel Shimel
24. Deanna Smiley
25. Maddie Kruger
26. Shelby Smiley
27. Courtney Smiley
29. Keaton Campbell
30. Stu Balch
31. Caroline Balch
32. Jill Bellandi
33. Aaron Hunter
34. Miguel Nadal
35. Tucker Nadal
36. Holly Mikulas
37. Kyle Worel
38. Rachel Bachler
39. Jordy Fleming
40. Josef Heinz
41. Amy-Joy Watt
42. Kevin Matthews
43. Natalie Dunston (to Texas only)
44. Caden Matthews
45. Oliver Matthews
46. Dawn Kruger
47. Jaime Bellandi
48. Weston Roberts
49. reserved for Littleton group
50. reserved for Littleton group
51. Maddie Bossie
52. Steven Woodward
53. Jacob Reed
54. Ricky Yandell
55. Sean Ross
56. Cameron Commerford
57. Lakin Commerford
58. Richie Dunston
59. David Shaum
1. Josie Weingartner w/ Emmy
2. Jodi Klepacki
3. Zane Moses
4. Brad Kadlubowski
5. Aidan Reid
6. Reggie Stjernholm
7. Lori Matthews w/ Caleb
8. Bob Shimel
9. Kris Shimel
10. Marcy Hoshiko
11. Amy Banowetz
12. Virtus Banowetz
13. Jason Reynolds
14. Luke Figgs
15. Barbara Figgs
16. Ashely Banowetz
17. Jayme Lechman
18. Phillip Rhoades
19. Brandon Hopper
20. Ryan Mann
21. Hali Ramos
22. Jessica Ramos
23. Joseph Wohllaib
24. Christian Figueroa
25. Michelle Bejarano
Coming On Their Own
1. Larry Commerford
2. Carrie Commerford
3. Mj Nickel
5. Lilly Commerford
6. Sydney Wilson
7. Mac Hicks
8. C. Bacheler
9. John Kadlubowski
Waiting to hear from: 7 people
Total: 91, 7 waiting, more to come?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Reflecting on Panama
It's been way too long since August, but I have to reflect on Panama.
As some of you know, I have a Master's Degree in Latin American History. This was my first chance to get to see some of my studies alive, as I have only been to Mexico before this. Everything was illuminated, from spots where Columbus landed to the Panama City pre-colonial ruins to the Canal Zone - it was incredible to experience history.
On another note, the beauty of Panama is incredible. Specifically, the islands of Boca del Toro where we did our work. Look at the pictures I post, because I can't do justice to it.
Bocas was a place like no other. We flew into Bocas Town, which is resort-ish, with a few little touches of a simpler time mixed in. The flight over was absolutely terrifying for me, and the landing was super sketchy, but we made it ... After taking a water taxi to the island Bastimentos, where we stayed, eyes were immediately opened.
Bastimentos is years and years behind our infrastructure. There are no roads. There are no sewer systems. Drinking water is rain water caught in cisterns. The only electricity is caught by solar panels and can run out at any time. The internet is starting to appear in the homes of Westerners, but it's rudimentary if you can even get it (which seems like a weird thing to miss until you are there and missing your kids!)
The people are incredible! Mostly indigenous in race, with some mestizos in the mix (those of native and Spanish duality), they speak Spanish along with native tongue. They live simply, of course, but in tight-knit community with a closeness that is pretty much dead here. While some have judged work ethic and desire to better themselves, I worked alongside local men who made me look like the biggest wuss on Earth (not hard, really). They worked without pay to help make their community better.
Our main focus was on helping to complete a bathroom structure for a school on the beach called Honda (Bahia Honda) - an actual septic system that will improve sanitary conditions exponentially. As we worked in rain and ankle-deep mud, kids walked by to go to the bathroom in the rain forest behind us, painting a clear picture of our mission. I got more out of that contrast than any great meeting or time of worship could bring me (Steven Lodwig led worship so greatly for us, by the way!). While there, another organization came by and started work on sinking a clean water well for the village! So cool that the two things working together are estimated to give kids a decade more of life!
I snuck into the classroom for an hour the first day of work and hung out with the kids. No English spoken - so I reached deep into my brain and started to use my Spanish base (I last took it in 11th grade). I really believe that God worked a miracle, as I was able to communicate just about anything about some struggle. Katherine Shaum did such a wonderful job as our primary translator, but it was such a joy to feel God use me in a secondary role, really fun!
We also got to go to another village and play games with about 100 kids on their field day. It was quite an experience, too. Austin, Ally, David, Bill and Larry all got soaked by the pounding rain, but kept playing with the kids, a great picture! Back at Bahia Honda, Glenn, Katherine, Matt, and Rick kept progress up as we got to see quite a bit of progress made on the bathrooms. We hope to see a finished picture soon!
I could go on ... and will at some point. God crafted this trip out of chaos. It wasn't perfect, but I saw mighty things happen. Bill's hard work rescued it form the pits - and all team members contributed in ways that astonished me. It was almost dead, and, honestly, I had resigned myself to the idea that it was. It was brought to life by God, dedicated volunteers, and hard work. Although we missed some loops, and our meetings were a grind at times, God used this trip to lay the groundwork for future experiences there, I know.
Thanks to the team, to Bill, Glenn, and the others that tirelessly planned things even when darkness seemed to have set in. God is good.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Panama is Set for August!

I hope you will consider joining us for the Panama trip - here are soon JPEG versions of the front an inside panels of the brochure. We are excited for the rescheduled trip and can't wait to go! Look at how beautiful it is! And, we are going to impact lives and change the world - what could be better!?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
NOLA 2009 - The Ball Is Rolling!

Last week, we booked the first round of our hotel rooms. I'm really excited to see what God has in store for this summer. I know the good and bad of a large group, a small group, etc - and I know that everyone has their own preference and issues both ways. But, no matter what size we have (90 something like last year or 30 something like the first year) God is ready to do big things, and for that I am stoked.
No bad economy, no fear of the unknown, NOTHING can squash the power of God's plans. Let's get ready to make it happen.
I need to know that you are planning on going, and also hope that you can begin to get yourself ready to lay down the deposit for airfare. So, let me know through email (zack@forestridgechurch,org) Facebook (Zachary Weingartner), or leaving a comment here.
If you need to remember why you might be ready to go again, just look at the picture (thanks to Matt Howard), think of the stories of heartbreak, and remember that God has met you there and shaken your foundation before ... and He will do it again. July 11-18. See you there.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
NOLA College Trip, January 2009

Hello All!
The NOLA trip is shaping up. We will be driving, leaving January 3rd and arriving in NOLA on the 4th, staying through the 10th (home most likely on the 11th unless we drive through, then i will be the middle of the night sometime).
Costs are still estimates, but should be pretty close ...
We think it will cost 350-400 for van, gas, and hotel (includes breakfast). Meals and souvenirs or whatever are extra, but Laura has a few ideas for group fundraisers so that should help.
We have the Country Inn and Suites reserved for all the days, so that's awesome ...Please reply to this or email if you are definitely going. We are capping out the initial run qt 30, but can add if the numbers make sense.
You can obviously choose to pay your own way to fly, but please let us know that's your plan so we can squeeze more in the cars.
Street ministry, Ronnie's house (we hope), Habitat for Humanity, The Oz are all a go for projects - plus whatever else you want!
Hope this is good info - let me know if you have other specific questions!
Monday, August 25, 2008
2009 Trip Brochures are available!
Friday, August 8, 2008
We need your stories NOLA people
We are collecting stories of ALL NOLA trips from the last three years, hoping to have them in the next few weeks ... If you're willing and able, send them to
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
NOLA 08 ... It's a Wrap

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful experience. I had the time of my life!
Join us at Roots on Thursdays to hear the stories, share more, and experience the community that we have built as a group of friends, as a family ...
We have the best youth group I can imagine - I love you all!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Oh Mama Mia, Italy was AMAZING!
Italy was, simply put, AMAZING! Our team was so great - Karly, Troy, Sara, Drew, Stevie, Tommy, Ryan, Shelby, Katelyn, Ron, Josie, even Zane. English Camp seemed to go over really well. We had about 20 students after they had to cancel it for lack of interest last year. The first day we had just 3 students, and it was discouraging. But our team was really skilled in making relationships around town, and it paid off!
We met so many wonderful people. The church in Montefiascone is a place of great faith from great people. Every one of them holds a place in our heart, for sure. We got to spend time with them in a number of ways, from sharing meals to staying with them in their homes, and more.
Our friends from the piazza and the lake are just plain awesome people. We won't forget any of them, ever. We enjoyed getting to know them over the course of the two weeks we spent there, and we hope against all hope to be back in Montefiascone again soon!
God blessed the trip with safety (aside from Shelby's finger) and I saw Him doing things in our lives as we spent all of our emotional and physical energy making friends. And eating pizza. And, yeas, the gelato is wonderful I like Ananas and Coco the best (pineapple and coconut to you English speakers). Actually, I wish I was having some right now ...
One last meeting ...

Hey NOLA team - we are going to meet at the Dunstons barn next Wednesday night, 6 pm for prayer, details questions and more. We want you to invite anyone and everyone to the meeting - come share with friends and family what you are doing with your summer, namely NOLA!
The barn is located at 5525 Hodgen Rd., take 83 south, left on Hodgen, the barn is on the right side after a few minutes.
Please try to make it, we've had three meetings, and this is your last chance. I think all of the information that you need is on this blog, but I'd be glad to give you more...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hey Everyone,
We are having a great time in Italy! After having gone for three years in 2002, 2003, and 2004, I am excited to see that we are picking up right where we left off. We have been mingling with many of the Italians in Montefiascone- both in the church and in the community at large. It has been such a blessing to be a part of the church for the last few days. It is incredible to see the things that the Italian church cares about, and it puts things into perspective when considering the unimportant issues that become a problem in American churches. The people of the Italian church are so passionate for Jesus Christ, and it has been a blessing to be a part of that.
English camps begin tomorrow. As I mentioned, we have been mingling with the Montefiascone youth and have been advertising the English camp. That will be our main starting point for relationships and conversations about faith. I am excited to see how God works this week. We have already met a lot of kids and seen a lot of people from past English camps that are excited about our trip. We look forward to reporting more once camps begin!
God bless,
Ryan June
We are having a great time in Italy! After having gone for three years in 2002, 2003, and 2004, I am excited to see that we are picking up right where we left off. We have been mingling with many of the Italians in Montefiascone- both in the church and in the community at large. It has been such a blessing to be a part of the church for the last few days. It is incredible to see the things that the Italian church cares about, and it puts things into perspective when considering the unimportant issues that become a problem in American churches. The people of the Italian church are so passionate for Jesus Christ, and it has been a blessing to be a part of that.
English camps begin tomorrow. As I mentioned, we have been mingling with the Montefiascone youth and have been advertising the English camp. That will be our main starting point for relationships and conversations about faith. I am excited to see how God works this week. We have already met a lot of kids and seen a lot of people from past English camps that are excited about our trip. We look forward to reporting more once camps begin!
God bless,
Ryan June
Saturday, June 21, 2008
In Italy!
We are here, and we are already a few days in! Yesterday we spent all day in Rome, seing unbelievable sights of the past, places where Paul was inspired and wrote, and even the Colloseum, where the Gladiator dominated.
We are having a wonderful time in this beautiful place, full of wonderful people. Internet access is spotty, so there might not be many updates, but keep praying! Englsih camp starts Monday, but tonight we are going out to meet Italian teenagers and stir up interest.
All are well!
We are having a wonderful time in this beautiful place, full of wonderful people. Internet access is spotty, so there might not be many updates, but keep praying! Englsih camp starts Monday, but tonight we are going out to meet Italian teenagers and stir up interest.
All are well!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
In Cincinnati ...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
NOLA details for leaving

Please join us for a meeting and prayer time for NOLA on Friday, July 11, the night before we leave for the trip. We are going to meet at Fox Run Park by the Stella Rd. entrance, rain or shine at 6 pm. Invite friends, family, etc. We have 90 people on this trip as of today, and we could have a powerful time of prayer that night!
The next morning we will meet at the NEW church office, 1840 Deer Creek Rd., right off of Woodmoor Drive towards the highway. We need to be to the airport early, so we are meeting at 6:30 am, and leaving no later than 7 am to get there. We have the baggage figured out for the way up, too - but we need volunteers with big cars to help us get back on the 19th, because we won't have our bus that day!
Leave a comment to volunteer your mom's soccer bus as a way to get home!
Flight details, for those on our group flight.
• United 1601, leaves 10:09 AM on 7/12
• United 1469, arrives 7:57 PM on 7/19
NOLA packing list
Packing List - NOLA
You really don't need anything crazy. It is HOT in the South, it's humid and you will sweat. A lot. Keep that in mind when you pack clothes.
Clothes. Modest clothing, nothing too special. You need one "church" outfit, but it can be shorts and a shirt, skirt and a shirt for girls (just no denim for either that day). 3-5 sets of work clothes, or however many you personally think you'll use. Clothes for nights and off-project times are just casual and normal.
Work gloves, closed-toe shoes for work projects and Second Harvest.
Kingsley House - no low-cut shirts on girls or anything, the little boys are pretty crazy there! T-shirts and shorts are good.
Street ministry - casual clothes are fine.
Bible, journal, pen and stuff like that.
iPod and phone are Ok, but we're going to ask you not to be on them all day, you can use them at night. Your Bff and Bf and Gf can wait to hear about your LOLs until the night.
Bathing suit (we ask that girls have a one-piece and that no boy wears a speedo. ever. Not just on this trip).
Toiletries: sunblock is a must. Bug spray is a good idea. Bring a toothbrush, I guess. Oh yeah, boys - wear some deodorant.
Leave comments below if you think that I forgot anything!!
You really don't need anything crazy. It is HOT in the South, it's humid and you will sweat. A lot. Keep that in mind when you pack clothes.
Clothes. Modest clothing, nothing too special. You need one "church" outfit, but it can be shorts and a shirt, skirt and a shirt for girls (just no denim for either that day). 3-5 sets of work clothes, or however many you personally think you'll use. Clothes for nights and off-project times are just casual and normal.
Work gloves, closed-toe shoes for work projects and Second Harvest.
Kingsley House - no low-cut shirts on girls or anything, the little boys are pretty crazy there! T-shirts and shorts are good.
Street ministry - casual clothes are fine.
Bible, journal, pen and stuff like that.
iPod and phone are Ok, but we're going to ask you not to be on them all day, you can use them at night. Your Bff and Bf and Gf can wait to hear about your LOLs until the night.
Bathing suit (we ask that girls have a one-piece and that no boy wears a speedo. ever. Not just on this trip).
Toiletries: sunblock is a must. Bug spray is a good idea. Bring a toothbrush, I guess. Oh yeah, boys - wear some deodorant.
Leave comments below if you think that I forgot anything!!
Italy Money

We leave in about 24 hours! We paid for our plane tickets 6 weeks ago, and have to send our ground money over today (most food, materials cost, etc.). The cost of the plane tickets was about 1400 each, and the ground costs are 765.65 apiece, making the trip total 2165.56.
A quick note is that some of the difference of the original estimate is due to gas prices. But, also, the word estimate is always an important one to consider here. Anyway, hope that we can all get that money over.
And if you happen to be reading this, please get me your passport copies and testimonies today!
Can't wait for tomorrow!
Check this space for updates while we travel, for those of you praying for us at home.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Italy Flights
We leave on Wednesday morning - are you packed yet??
Delta Airlines, June 18 (Wednesday)
Flight 3944 to Cincinnati, 11:05 am - arrive at 3:43 pm
Flight 32 to Rome, 7:30 pm, arrive on the 19th at 10:45 am
Delta Airlines, July 1
Flight 33 to Cincinnati, 10:45 am - arrive 3:15 pm
Flight 45, 5:00 pm, arrives in Denver at 5:52 pm
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Money, Money, Money, Money ... Mon-ey
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mardi Gras Night THIS Sunday!!

Please come help us out at Mardi Gras night at Creekside, this Sunday the 8th from 5-8 pm! This is our major fundraiser for New Orleans, and we need not only your help, but for you to invite your friends an neighbors, even the creepy guy down the street. The more the better, because they need to shop for us to do any good. Thanks be to Doug for taking care of this event for us all.
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